[rescue] Sun / Linux LX50

vraptor at employees.org vraptor at employees.org
Wed Sep 18 19:10:00 CDT 2002

On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Greg A. Woods wrote:

>[ On Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 16:12:47 (-0700), vraptor at employees.org wrote: ]
>> Subject: Re: [rescue] Sun / Linux LX50
>> If you're going to spend $2800 for a Sun branded
>> x86 box running Linux, what's another $350 to
>> be able to manage it completely remotely?
>Well, simply put it's $350 too much.

Yes, $2800 (or whatever with your Sun discount) is *way* too much
for what they are offering.  That was my, albeit obtuse, point.
If a PHB is dumb enough to by this, then I can certainly see that
PHB buying a Weasel to go in it, assuming it doesn't handle console
output to serial.

I like the Weasel, but is too expensive.  In my volunteer position,
we are sticking with Sun because we don't need anything "special"
to remote manage it (most of us do not have access to the DC where
it is located).  Even though SCSI disks are more expensive, we can
expand more easily with Sun and old JBODs than trying to switch to
x86 with IDE, since we don't have to buy SCSI cards, a PC Weasel,

Google is not the only one running on "commodity" x86 hardware
though.  Amazon is converting the last of their internal apps
over (external stuff is already converted).  Sun is just way
too expensive for hardware.


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