[rescue] Blender 3D

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Wed Sep 11 15:19:58 CDT 2002

The required money was raised according to the web site.

The next thing to happen will be a conference in one month (Oct 11th
through 13th), at which there will be events like programmer sessions
(including lectures on GHOST the low level window/even API, the render
pipeline, the physics engine), a history of Blender and NeoGeo, Blender
tips and tricks, presentation on plans for future (versions 2.5 through
3.0), a release of 2.26 (don't know when that will happen), and at
19:00, Sunday evening, the closing party will be kicked off with the
release of the source code.

I hope some people there run to upload the source before they go get

Joshua D. Boyd

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