[rescue] random babble

Chad Fernandez fernande at internet1.net
Sun Sep 1 08:25:44 CDT 2002

Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
> The Israeli banking system is based upon the U.K. banking system. ANY check
> is "pay to the bearer" UNLESS it is "crossed". You cross a check by drawing
> 2 lines across the name and write out "PAY ONLY" next to it.
> The most recent batch of checks (got them last month) had 
> "pay only or pay to the bearer" preprinted on them in English and pay to
> the bearer in Hebrew. If you want to cross them, you just draw the lines and
> cross out BOTH "pay to the bearer" on them.
> So by default, a check from the U.S. would be "pay to the bearer".  
> Geoff.

Wow, what is the point of that?  That makes a check just like cash!

Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA

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