[rescue] A/UX, was RE: Mac: is this an X client?

ed at the7thbeer.com ed at the7thbeer.com
Sun Oct 20 14:24:00 CDT 2002

Workgroup Server.  IIRC, a PM 9500 in a slightly different case and some
extra bits in terms of controller cards for SCSI.  Had one at the state
job I worked at for a number of years.  Stable little box and zippy too.


On Sun, 20 Oct 2002, Sheldon T. Hall wrote:

> "Steve Hatle" <shatle at nfldinet.com> sez
> > I do [have AU/X install media], and an SE/30 and an WGS95 running A/UX.
> What's a "WGS95"?
> > (And a Lisa running Xenix, if that's worth any geek points)
> Geek-point-wise, I'd say that's right up there!
> When I was with Microstuf ('84-'90) the boss got a Lisa, since it was what
> you used as a Mac development platform, and he has visions of porting
> Crosstalk XVI to the Mac.  Before we ever got rolling on anything much with
> it, Apple sent us an "update kit" which included about everything in it
> except for the case and the HD.  After it was installed, the Lisa would do
> nothing except display a message that said "Lisa is experiencing technical
> difficulties."  No amount of phone calls to Apple provided a solution, or
> even any interest in helping us.
> The last time I saw the Lisa, it was flying in a low arc into a dumpster.
> -Shel
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