[rescue] good price for a RaQ ?

Steven Hill sjh at waroffice.net
Thu Oct 10 22:30:35 CDT 2002

> > Oooh, that is an excrusiatingly tempting price.
> Do these (Netras) make good home boxes, or are they expensive/difficult to
> upgrade, etc.?

They use Mezzanine memory boards. Not DIMMS. Not too difficult to obtain,
(hint) but they are not that cheap. Also the DC power for these models can
be difficult to get a hold of cheaply.

They are rock solid boxes, way better than the cheap trash that is the
Netra X1.

A 1U high box, that takes two SCA 1" disks internally... It has a PCI
slot, fine and handy, and my favourite feature... LOM. The Light Out
Management is very useful. The company I prostitute myself for has approx
80 Netras out in the field.

That was my tuppence ha'penny


Steven Hill

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