[rescue] Linux

Shawn Wallbridge swallbridge at franticfilms.com
Sat Nov 30 12:41:00 CST 2002

Well I just found an auction for the Sunburst book.


I am bidding on it (synackhosting).


Lionel Peterson wrote:

>--- Carl-Johan Schenstrom <cjs at bluebox.pp.se> wrote:
>>On Fri, 29 Nov 2002, Lionel Peterson wrote:
>>>BTW - anyone know of an historical works on the early days of Sun
>>There is a book called "Sunburst: The Ascent of Sun Microsystems" but
>>it's from 1990 and seems to be out of print. The first five pages are
>>available here (along with several other interesting books on
>Make that the cover page, TOC, the first page of the Forward, and
>(oddly) the last page of the TOC reprinted again...
>But thanks, it gives me something to look for...
>>There's also <http://www.sun.com/aboutsun/coinfo/history.html> but
>>it's very brief..
>Yep, but interesting...
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