[rescue] Linux

Scott A Stevens sastevens at franklinisp.net
Thu Nov 28 22:31:50 CST 2002

On Thu, 28 Nov 2002 10:24:53 -0500
Kevin <kevin at pipeline.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> I agree totally.  I have 9 PeeCees running linux on my
> home network and they do the brunt of the work.  The
> only reason i bought an old Sun was to see and
> experience a Sun.  Not some bastard love child
> of Linus Torvalds and Bill Joy :)
If you want a bastard love child of Linus Torvalds and Bill Joy you should try to chase down a 'Joy Systems' PC clone.  I'm not sure, however, if any were ever built with 386 or better processors.  'Joy Systems' was a PC Clone business founded by Bill Joy.  I remember buying a 'Joy Systems' PC clone box years ago, just for the case (a big massive AT style case it was), and turning it on to discover it had a full compliment of hardware and Coherent installed on the hard drive.  I'm not sure or not if that box had the original motherboard or not- Bill Joy may have bailed out of the PC clone business.  

Anybody who knows (and cares) more about this bit of sketchy history, please correct me if I'm wrong.  A google search I just pulled up only shows Joy Systems as a monitor refurbisher on the east cost at this time.  I'm certain that 'Joy Systems' badged PC clone boxes existed in the past, and am fairly certain Bill Joy was associated with the company.

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