[rescue] running Netra headless (new rescue)

Paul Phillips paul at partitura.com
Thu Nov 21 11:14:09 CST 2002


>    Well, your modem port is an RJ11 and your Ethernet port's an RJ45 --
> but I was wondering something similar myself last week. I have a dozen
> V100's but no console server, and I suddenly found yself without a system
> that had a serial port! I ended up being given a Targus USB-to-Serial
> adapter, and then plugging that, with the Sun-supplied serial-to-RJ45
> adapter inline, to a normal patch cable so I could use a laptop with
> Slackware as my terminal.

oops - several have pointed out that I was wrong (of course - duh) about 
modem port on my Mac - of course it is RJ11...

Now I am on the track of a USB-serial adapter.  Thanks to those of you that 
have suggested it.

Anyway, above Will mentions the "Sun-supplied serial-to-RJ45 adapter".

I didn't get that with the Netra.  This cable would be RJ-45 on one end - 
what kind of connector is on the other?  Is this something I can go buy 
from my local store or does anyone know if it is a strange Sun only thing...

Paul Phillips

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