[rescue] My new toy in Laurel MD!

Mike Hebel nimitz at speakeasy.net
Mon Nov 18 21:34:13 CST 2002

ed at the7thbeer.com wrote:

> They surplus them -- in pieces, w/ no title.  All the Offroader magazines
> have researched this, and even I've done a little poking around (calls and
> emails) to the DMRS (government surplussers).

What bugs me is that the DRMO a couple of years ago decided to sell to a 
single company who then resells their surplus.  Up until that point 
anyone could submit a bid to one fo the auctions.  Not so now from what 
I understand but then I haven't checked lately.

> However, I did see a Humvee in Colfax, CA, off I-80, that looked like a
> dead ringer for a Desert Storm trim Humvee and it was for sale.
> Unfortunately, I didn't have time to stop and look at it.  So maybe, if
> you have the right contacts, it is possible.  

Actually it was probably one of the few ones that had been given title 
before the restiction.  There are a fair amount of them around.  They're 
the only ones that still have the special night lighting on them. (I 
can't recall what they're called but I know they're red and really hard 
to see.  Used for night convoys.)

Mike Hebel

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