[rescue] FREE STUFF!

Lauren Child lauren at laurenchild.net
Wed Mar 20 17:04:18 CST 2002

On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Big Endian wrote:

> Ok in the spirit of cleaning, i have two Indys that are good for
> parts.  Two chasis, one r4600PC, one R4600SC, one 8bit graphic board,
> no ram, no drives, no drive mounts.  If anybody wants them please
> email me otherwise they are bound for a dumpster.

I have a spare 8 bit graphics card for the other one if anyonetakes it -
its at my parents at the mo so it would have to wait until I go there next
and Im in the UK so shipping would be from there.


Lauren Child, lauren at laurenchild.net
"It may be very unwise indeed, but I'm a scientist, its what I do"

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