[rescue] Re: News from the Sun Front: Graphics

Robert Novak rnovak at indyramp.com
Fri Mar 15 01:17:16 CST 2002

On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, George Adkins wrote:

> The 8 meg cache per proc is acceptable, I'm not sure about the FC-AL
> disk thing, I'd rather that it had a good old fashioned U2W or U160
> SCSI bus in the thing... Does it? or is Sun expecting me to pay
> another thousand dollars for their PCI SCSI card, so I can hook my
> external SCSI CDRW or DLT to it...

Well, Sun doesn't believe in LVD, so you'd have to go third party for
that U160 card. You can get Sun SCSI cards a lot cheaper than $1k
though... X6540A dual-channel is $530/A list price, X5010A single-channel
is $199/H, on store.sun.com ... 

FC isn't bad if you know what it is. The disks are getting very cheap
these days... and the underlying hardware (the actual physical disks
themselves) are usually identical to the ones in your Ultra2/Ultra3 SCSI

> Oh Boy! it uses creepy proprietary 232 pin SDRAM not-DIMMs, so all the 128 
> Meg 200 pin Ultra memory I already have is Useless!  Yay!

I bet all the 30 pin memory you have is Useless too. Maybe it's time to
build a simmstacker to preserve your investment?

> No, I'd rather _not_ have the sun's latest Packard Bell ^H^H^H I mean
> Ultra 5 ^H^H^H I mean cheap PCI workstation.  (or was that the
> BunSplayed 1000)

You're mixing up the Sunblade 100 (one hundred) with the Sunblade 1000
(one thousand)... kinda like mixing up the Ultra 5 with the Ultra
Enterprise 5000.... unless this message was troll fodder. If so, drat,
snared again.

I like the SB1k machines we have in my room at work, even though I don't
get to do a lot with them myself. We're doing hardware simulations on
them... the SB100 is just an ftp server, which it does quite well. They're
vastly different machines though... a quick glance through www.sun.com
would probably make this unbearably obvious. I'm hoping I can get a V880
to play with sometime soon... new budget coming, so maybe someday soon.


Robert Novak, Indyramp Consulting * rnovak at indyramp.com * indyramp.com/~rnovak
	"I don't want to doubt you, Know everything about you
      I don't want to sit Across the table from you Wishing I could run."

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