[rescue] Dead AXi?

Big Endian bigendian at mac.com
Fri Mar 8 13:23:57 CST 2002

>  > #2 is essentially what I'm doing here.  The only thing on this bus is
>>  the cdrom.  I'm using a high terminated wide-narrow and the drive
>>  terminator for the low bits.
>This may be your problem.  Get a wide terminated cable and use an
>unterminated adapter.
>>  Unfortunately I don't have the greatest collection of wide scsi gear
>>  here at work.  I do have terminated and unterminated converters but
>>  no pure terminators.
>Get some.  I assume that this is a production machine for work?  They
>shouldn't have any trouble shelling out 20 or 30 bucks for a pre-terminated
>wide ribbon.  It's the right thing to do, and offers the lowest number of
>points of failure.

Its not a production machine... its a spare box we had lying about 
that I'm testing an idea with.

"Fragile. Do not drop." -- Posted on a Boeing 757.

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