computer building? was[rescue] Noise levels

Gary Nichols gary at
Wed Jun 19 12:18:35 CDT 2002

I cannot (repeat) CANNOT work for more than an hour under flourescent 
lighting.  I get bad headaches because I'm one of those freaks of nature 
that can actually see the shimmering.  Sitting in my office at work is 
like a bad acid trip sometimes.  I've been this way all my life.  I 
thought other people could see them too and just thought "well, I guess 
they are supposed to work that way".  Needless to say I leave my office 
for about 10 mins every hour just to rest my eyes.

All lighting in my home office is soft incandescent, shaded, and behind my 
work area.  I l-o-v-e working at home.  I can go 12 hours straight and not 
even feel it.  Two hours in my office at $real_job and I want to thrust my 
pencil in my eye sockets.

 On Wed, 19 Jun 2002, Tim H. wrote:

> My objection was in pure flourescent light screen flicker bothers me
> more, as the flourescents beat against refresh rate.  It wasn't color
> that bothered me.  I don't mind flourescents in non-CRT environments,
> but I do find my eyes get more tired, and I tend to get more headaches
> if reading by flourescent light.  I am quite fond of standard
> tungsten/halogen, but they need to run hot to get good bulb life, which
> doesn't help cool a computer room.

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