[rescue] Onyx Rack

Big Endian bigendian at mac.com
Wed Jun 5 16:36:42 CDT 2002

>You don't see these very often.  No idea if the reserve is reasonable,
>since we aren't told what it is.

which is a pain.  Its also a pain that I can't physically fit one in my house.

>Also, if I recall correctly, that extra fast 2 proc board just ignores
>most of it cash and gets clocked down.

Nope.  Clocks and Cache are actually per processor on each IP board. 
So its like running an sm71 and an sm81.

>And the ram isn't that hard to find either, despite what he says.
>Especially since this machine can take more than 1 RAM board.

that doesn't mean its *DIRT* cheap like pc ram.

"Yay aytch lich ... trurtreen oven prerkrershetch... naw lich luleven 
... naw wush thrurteen..."
--"Thirteen fucking percosets?!?! Dude the most I ever ate was like 
six. Holy shit."
"Aywhirr schmall."
--"What, like 5's?"
"Mm mm mm... mebee..."

-posted on lowbrow.com

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