[rescue] Rescuers in Indiana and surrounding states (FW:Zapatista Computer Project)

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Wed Jul 17 12:49:31 CDT 2002

Kris Kirby wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Jul 2002 CARL.P.HIRSCH at sargentlundy.com wrote:
> >      the zapatistas are updating and expanding their computer network. The
> aren't they some kind of rebel group in mexico?

Yes, classified as a terrorist organization, I believe.  I could be wrong, but
providing them with technology could land you in jail.  There has been some
scuttlebut about a 'netwar' (not my word) being waged by the Zapatistas upon
the Mexican gov't.  If that's the case, any computer donations could be used
for that purpose, and donators could be labeled as 'aiding and abetting' those

This is all hearsay and third-hand info - I don't follow Mexican politics at

Do your research before providing *anything* (even what might be considered
humanitarian aid) to any organization known as a 'rebel' group or classified as
a 'terrorist' organization.

IANAL, but there is no way in hell I'd provide the Zapatistas with *anything*,
given the current crackdown on terrorism.
Kurt                   "What me look like, ricecake monster?   
kurt at k-huhn.com         Me Cookie Monster!  Me need COOKIE!" --Cookie Monster

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