[rescue] cheap gps for time reference

s at avoidant.org s at avoidant.org
Sun Jul 7 12:27:09 CDT 2002

Dave McGuire wrote:

>   Ahh but this society teaches people to "follow the rules" at any
> cost...and "the rules" about having kids is, you then send them to
> school to learn things.

Then I'm glad I live in an observant Jewish community, where one of the
rules is that IT IS MY RESPONSIBILITY TO TEACH MY KID(S). I can send
them to school, but it's STILL my responsibility. The vast majority of
my peers sit with their kids learning in the evenings. One friend of
mine is a condo developer with a project an hour and a half away. He
would frequently stay there overnight, but would call and do homework
with his kids every night that he was away, BECAUSE THAT'S HIS

> literally.  Since they're going to school to learn, they get taught
> NOTHING at home.  After all, why duplicate the work?

Those kids have my sympathies.

> themselves and figure things out.  They're told what to do, what to
> think, and how to feel about things.  And if they don't do what
> they're told, they're being baaaaaad.



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