[rescue] OT: Dead Personal Iris 4D/35 :(

Corda Albert J DLVA CordaAJ at NSWC.NAVY.MIL
Thu Jan 31 13:16:51 CST 2002

The serial port is uses the standard EIA interface which was
in widespread use _long before_ the PC appeared on the horizon.
Have you tried configuring the terminal for no (or software only)
handshake, and using a minimalist cable (i.e. only pins 2,3 and 7

You should also try the following:

  1) Try to boot over the serial terminal with the PI's keyboard
     disconnected (although you should have still seen some
     serial diagnostic messages even with the keyboard connected)

  2) Disconnecting all peripherals (except, of course, the terminal :-)
     such as hard disks, etc.

  3) Reseating all boards, cables, socketed chips, SIMMS, etc.

-acorda at 1bigred.com

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Wheeler [mailto:bdwheele at indiana.edu]
> Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 10:31 AM
> To: rescue at sunhelp.org
> Subject: [rescue] OT: Dead Personal Iris 4D/35 :(
> All this talk of Irix 3.3 reminded me of a dead personal iris 
> machine I
> have.
> Here are the symptoms: 
> 	* Fault light comes on and stays on.
> 	* Back fan spins up happily
> 	* Hard disk light comes on, but no spin.
> I read somewhere (I think on "this old sgi") that the serial port for
> the 4D/35 was standard PC compatible.  I plugged it into a terminal
> (both with and without a null modem) at 9600,N,8,1  but nothing ever
> came up.
> Is it really dead, or will some magic dance possibly bring it back?  
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