[rescue] OT: tons of freeware, was OpenBSD

Derrick D. Daugherty derrick at blinky-lights.org
Wed Jan 30 20:50:28 CST 2002

It's rumored that around Wed, Jan 30, 2002 at 09:27:34PM -0500
Kurt Huhn <kurt at k-huhn.com> wrote:
> > Take a look at http://sourceforge.net/ this is a rather extreme
> > example, but how many duplicate efforts can you detect to do any one
> Variety is the spice of life?  I like it that way, personally.  It gives a
> very broad choice of styles and methods to choose from.  There ain't nothing
> wrong with that...

I think the reason most of this stuff exists are because they're
personal products that someone gained personal use from and thought
they'd share with the open community.  atleast that's my peronsal

A friend of mine was jumping for joy when he saw his project,
openticket, posted on freshmeat.  Later he got a reply from someone at
purdue saying they'd replaced their commercial trouble ticketing system
with it.  I received an email from a professor in palestine saying he
put my  util on every lab workstation and the students are required to
use it.  You feel good when these things happen.  I think people just
release so much shit to have an ego boost :D

feed that Id.


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