[rescue] OpenBSD

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Sun Jan 27 23:06:25 CST 2002

On Sun, Jan 27, 2002 at 02:49:20AM -0500, James Sharp wrote:
> > > couldn't get it right but you do seem to have
> > > a good way of organizing it.
> >
> > I gave up trying to instal GnuCash. What a royal PITA. Freaking Linux x86
> > crud that wont build on much else. :(
> >
> I gave up on trying to build it on a Linux x86 box.  More freakin
> dependencies than a methodone dispensary.
> Everybody's gotta use Joe Bob's Greatest Rehashed Library Version Greater
> than, which will build under libc6, but only on days of the
> week that are factorable by the size of the Presidental Wang.

I went through installing a long lists of dependencies.  Then I got to g-wrap.
This one has me puzzled.  g-wrap said it installed properly, and I don't find
any evidence contrary.  gnucash finds the g-wrap-config program, but then the
very next test tells me that g-wrap isn't installed.  This is on a debian
box.  I've about given up on gnucash.  I've also been unable to compile
gnome-applets because it needs gnome-core, which needs control-center, which
complains about not having esd installed, which it is (but not running since
I hate esd).  And don't even get me started about the problematic gnome-guile

Joshua D. Boyd

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