[rescue] OpenBSD

dave at cca.org dave at cca.org
Sun Jan 27 20:27:37 CST 2002

george at webbastard.org writes:

>I was always annoyed at the old nag message, something about "are you sure 
>you don't want a true partition table..." or some such crap.
>What I really want IS a true partition table.
>Without any of this FDISK slice crap.  I don't give a flying $hit about DOS 
>compatibility.  Screw that.  I wand an SD0, as in /dev/sd0...  not some hokey 
>linux-looking /dev/ad0s1a garbage.  almost as if they were trying to make it 
>look like Solaris' c0t0d0s0...

One little thing that impressed me about openbsd (and I'll assume netbsd
is the same) is that you can make scsi devices 2, 3, & 5 appear as either:

	sd0 sd1 sd2


	sd2 sd3 sd5

Very nice to have that choice. 

------ David Fischer ------- dave at cca.org ------- http://www.cca.org ------
---------------------- "It's something to do." Cerebus --------------------

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