[rescue] XBOX vs PS2

Derrick D. Daugherty derrick at blinky-lights.org
Tue Jan 22 21:31:01 CST 2002

It's rumored that around Tue, Jan 22, 2002 at 09:58:43PM -0500
Michael Dombrowski <legodude at hammycorp.com> wrote:
> On 22 Jan 2002 at 20:39, rescue-request at sunhelp.org wrote:
> > I'll stick with my PS2.  A nice R5600/200 or so Mhz MIPS processor,
> > lots of memory IO...and TWO vector processing engines.
> Come on, this is really, really, stupid. MS bashing just for the sake 
> of bashing is stupid. Who cares what's inside the console, it's the 

I have this thing called principle... I won't support, condone, much
less purchase any M$ product.  I have yet to find any product on the M$
platform that is superior to a freely avail or other commercial product.

that's just me tho.  This obviously adds to my opinion :)

> games that matter. If MS can do a stable, nice platform with great 
> games on a Intel chip why do you care? Most people I've talked to 

A friend of mine snagged one...he read the games were all goign to be
badass yadda yadda..that and some game that he wanted for his dreamcast
was reslated for xbox only..so he snagged one.  I've played the games,
they all sucked.  The only cool one was that alien planet first person
shooter one.  The snowboard game was quite obviously rushed to market as
it was so incredibly buggy I couldn't take more than about 5-6 runs w/o
doing something else.  When you try to railslide, it should notice if
you already bailed and are sliding on your back..for 50 yards.. or that
you're upside down and can't possibly slide on a rail that's above you.

i'm sure an emmulator will be out soon enough..no need to buy their box.

_someone_ out there has to have dd'd the stuff of the drive and tried to
bootstrap it.

> think it's the better system, the PS2 does not have 4x controller 
> slots, the PS2 needs $40 memory cards, and the PS2 does not have 
> builtin networking. The graphics look to be about the same to me on 

the multi-tap is cheap and you can get an eth controller for 20-30
bucks.   so, 299 for the ps2, then 50-60 for multi-tap and eth
controller... that's still a _lot_ cheaper than the xbox.

tony hawk online is a blast.  takes any usb keyboard as well.


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