[rescue] Re: octane question (Joshua D Boyd)

roosmcd at dds.nl roosmcd at dds.nl
Fri Jan 18 15:15:03 CST 2002

> > http://www.sgievents.com/developer2002/
> > 
> >  Quote:
> > "The grand-prize winner, as decided by attendees, will receive an SGI
> next-
> > generation high-performance, high-bandwidth IRIX visual workstation."
> > 
> >There is going to be a new workstation, so prices are expected to drop. I
> was 
> >also thinking about buying an Octane, but am going to wait for a while to
> see 
> >what happens.
> Probably (hopefully) a replacement for the O2+ at least.  That platform
> needs
> some serious help.  Sure, the texturing abilities are cool, but the
> bandwidth
> and expenadability are there anymore, not to mention the annoying 1 gig ram
> limit.

 A replacement for the O2+ ?!?


 O2+ was introduced 14 august 2001, so this seems a bit quick to drop that 
machine.  There was some discussion on the SGI groups on this, but then there 
are also NDA's so nothing really usefull can be said...

 From the "next gen" thread:

 "Next Gen is going to be a cool machine.  Expect announcement in
the first quarter of 2002.  Can't really give out many details
until then, but it'll be a kick-ass machine.   FYI... they'll
also release it it's official product name then also.

oh... and for of you who were wondering in these posts, it's not
going to be that expensive."


ps. Can Sun/HP/IBM/Compaq top this? I really don't think so.

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