[rescue] Help! My Ultra AXi - dead or just misunderstood?

Gary Nichols garynichols at mysun.com
Wed Jan 16 23:38:00 CST 2002


I was just recently given a Sun Ultra AXi system in a generic 4U case.  
Not sure on the proc speed, but it has .5GB of ram and some sweet 
drives attached.  My problem is this:
On boot I get no video from the ATI pci card.  I pulled the card and 
tried to get some output from serial A but no cigar.  
The machine powers up, beeps once "the 'hi! I'm alive' beep" and 
nothing.  I fear it's a dead CPU or bad motherboard.
Opinions?  This was given to me free, so I feel it's my duty to bring 
it back to life!!!


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