[rescue] I just saw this from an old SGI page... it hasmesl ightly worried since...

Steve Sandau rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Jan 6 17:04:12 CST 2002

Doctor Obnox Son of a Bitch wrote:
> >
> > BTW, James, I forgot to answer earlier with my whereabouts. I'm in
> > Brunswick, Maine, 'bout a half hour north of Portland on the coast...
> >
>  I used to live in Brunswick. My parents still do.

I was one of those college pukes that invaded Brunswick and never left.

Far nicer here than in CT where I grew up. My Dad still lives in a
really nice town there, but too much importance attached to what you
drive, where you live, what you do, how much you make.

Far as I can tell, lots of Maine kids move away because things are too
slow here. That's why I *like* it. Hmmmmmm.......

Steve Sandau
ssandau at bath.tmac.com

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