[rescue] how to use a NAT/PAT to forward SSH to an internal box

Greg A. Woods rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Jan 5 02:36:20 CST 2002

[ On Saturday, January 5, 2002 at 02:09:38 (-0500), George Adkins wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: [rescue] how to use a NAT/PAT to forward SSH to an internal    box
> Yes, I already know how to do these things, but that's not what this 
> discussion is about.

sounds like it was, actually...

> The intent here is to provide a _transparent_ method to access hosts on a 
> remote RFC1918 network via SSH by hostname alone, without using additional 
> live IP's or non-standard ports.
> I want any user anywhere to be able to type:
> rubicon# ssh user at ballocks.webbastard.org
> and get through to a machine with an IP address of

You "MUST" use an additional IP# (or a unique non-standard port) per
internal host.  Period.  What do you expect?  Black magic?

								Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098;  <gwoods at acm.org>;  <g.a.woods at ieee.org>;  <woods at robohack.ca>
Planix, Inc. <woods at planix.com>; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird <woods at weird.com>

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