[rescue] Endian-ness (Was: FDDI card)

Jeff Workman jworkman at pimpworks.org
Mon Feb 25 07:01:57 CST 2002

Stoned koalas drooled eucalyptus spit in awe as James Sharp exclaimed:

> You mean I have to explain myself instead of just mindlessly bashing
> things?  Darn it.  Okay...here goes.
> They're just not designed for it.
> 1) There's always going to be a bottleneck in network IO as every byte
> that comes into the system has to be flipped around.  PC byteorder !=
> network byte order.

As for this problem, the same could be said about the Alpha, and the VAX. 
Does anybody know why DEC decided to go little-endian?  Even their 
MIPS-based systems are LSB and I never understood why.

Jeff Workman | jworkman at pimpworks.org | http://www.pimpworks.org

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