[rescue] Indy question

George Adkins george at webbastard.org
Thu Feb 21 21:10:57 CST 2002

On Thursday 21 February 2002 09:47 pm, you wrote:
> >     George> an R4K Indigo with 24 bit graphics can be had fairly
> >     George> cheaply.  I picked one up for my first SGI.
> >
> > those are only cheap if the keyboard and mouse come with the system,
> > because indigo mice and keyboards can be very difficult to find.  the
> > indigo2s can be had very cheaply these days, and parts are somewhat
> > easier to find.
> I could be mistaken - but I thought that *R4k* Indigos took regular PS2
> keyboards and mice.  The *R3k* Indigo is the one with funky
> keyboards/mice...
no, the R4K indigo takes the same keyboard as the R3K or Onyx.


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