[rescue] DE9 Fibre Channel Cable

Bjorn Ramqvist brt at g.haggve.se
Tue Feb 19 01:33:31 CST 2002

Eric Dittman wrote:
> I need to make a DE9-DE9 cable for my Fibre Channel setup.  I've
> seen some on eBay, and it looks like I only need two pairs of
> wire.  Does anyone know the proper wiring configuration so I
> can build my own cable?
> The cable will go from my KGPSA-CA (64-bit FC controller) to
> my StorageWorks2 raid shelf (prototype).

Uhm. Now I'm curious... StorageWorks2 prototype?
DE9? Now that's not a usual DB9 like on the Emulex, JNI, Interphase or
older Adaptec cards? The HSSDC-connector is an odd beast that looks more
like a RJ45 socket than anything else.

Anyway, the DB9 connector pinout:

  \o o o o o/
  6         9

pin 1: +fc_out
pin 5: +fc_in
pin 6: -fc_out
pin 9: -fc_in

This guy had a nice idea:

Vdnliga hdlsningar/Best Regards
Bjvrn Ramqvist, Hdgglunds Vehicle AB

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