[rescue] ss2 under load

dave at cca.org dave at cca.org
Fri Feb 15 15:37:32 CST 2002

wonko at arkham.ws writes:

>Penn State, circa 1990, VAX 11/750 running BSD, load average of between 100 and
>150 depending on what part of the day it was.  it worked just as well then as
>when the load average was 2.  seriously.  slow, but consistantly slow.

Yeah, my first taste of unix was an 11/750 running BSD at college in
86 - 88. Loved that machine...

The only old machine at the RCS that we *frequently* have powered up
is an 11/750.

------ David Fischer ------- dave at cca.org ------- http://www.cca.org ------
----------------- Live each day like the Triffids are coming. -------------

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