[rescue] more C200 info

Big Endian bigendian at mac.com
Wed Feb 13 20:26:42 CST 2002

Information Menu: Enter command > IO


                                                                      IODC IODC
Path         Decimal Type                      Location   HVER SVER  Vers Dep
------------ ------- ------------------------- ---------- ---- ----  ---- ----
8/0          8/0     Bus Bridge                built-in   6803 0a00  0x00 0x00
SERIAL_2     8/0/63  RS232 port                built-in   0060 8c00  0x01 0x00
8/16         8/16    Bus Adapter               built-in   0560 8100  0x00 0x00
8/16/0       8/16/0  Parallel                  built-in   0560 7400  0x00 0x00
8/16/1       8/16/1  Audio                     built-in   0564 7b00  0x00 0x00
SERIAL_1     8/16/4  RS232                     built-in   0560 8c00  0x01 0x00
SESCSI       8/16/5  SE SCSI                   built-in   0560 8200  0x99 0x00
PS2          8/16/7  Keyboard                  built-in   0560 8400  0x00 0x00
8/16/8       8/16/8  Mouse                     built-in   0560 8400  0x00 0x00
8/63         8/63    Bus Converter             built-in   5011 0c00  0x00 0x00
10/0         10/0    Bus Bridge                built-in   6821 0a00  0x00 0x00
10/63        10/63   Bus Converter             built-in   5011 0c00  0x00 0x00

<Press any key to continue (q to quit)>

PCI Cards

Slot      Path                         Bus  Class
--------  ---------------------------  ---  --------------
2         10/0/2/0                       0  Display
built-in  8/0/19/0                       0  SCSI
built-in  8/0/20/0                       0  Ethernet

Information Menu: Enter command >

the scsi chip I'm looking at is the one on the PCI bus, but the boot 
console doesn't read that as FWSCSI like the manual says it should. 

"Fragile. Do not drop." -- Posted on a Boeing 757.

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