[rescue] Why yes, I AM stupid (long)

Mike Nicewonger twmaster at twmaster.com
Wed Feb 13 13:12:19 CST 2002

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, you wrote:
> > What you need is a small syring (spelling?) and a good pair 
> > of magnifying
> > glasses. Carefully put the pins upright. Go slow it will work.
> I haven't used a syringe, but the other tool I've used to
> do this is a mechanical pencil (look for one that takes 0.5 or
> 0.3mm leads).  Kurt might already have one around that works...
The great part of the syringe is that it is thin, it fits over the pin and will
tell you when the pin is striaght up by sticking straight up. Of course you
push the syringe over the pin. Works like a champ. George and I have repaired a
bunch of these that way.

Mike N

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