[rescue] sound activated bathroom computers

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Tue Feb 12 21:14:12 CST 2002

On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 10:08:08PM -0500, George Adkins wrote:
> > > Yikes!
> >
> > No no no.  It listenes for things like, "Butler, please play something
> > calmer", or "Butler, how about some Beethoven piano pieces?".  Other wise
> > it politely ignores the sounds, although perhaps it should take note to
> > turn the fan on when the person leaves.
> Riiight.  like what I need in the bathroom is calming music
> I can see it now... "Butler, 1812 Overture, Cue forward to two minutes 
> thirty-seven seconds, Play."

Some people might like to listen to calming music while taking longs baths
and/or showers.  Some people (like perhaps wives who are leary about a 
computer in the bathroom) might be just the type to enjoy such things.

Joshua D. Boyd

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