[rescue] Packrat Purity Tes

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Tue Feb 12 17:06:23 CST 2002

> > > I have a machine that weighs more than all our families combined. 8-)
> >
> > sod off ES/9000 owning wierdo (i'm still pissed that one in CA went for
> > much, i would have loved to snag it)
> Actually, I was talking about the Burroughs.  Weighs many times more than
> the ES/9K.

You've never seen my family...

It might come close, but maaannnn.......

A point of illustration:
My uncle like to water ski.  As he gained weight he had to buy bigger boats
to have the power to haul him up out of the water.  Gain weight, buy a
bigger boat.  Last I looked, his boat was a giantic machine with dual 1000+
horsepower diesels...

The rest of my family follows along the same lines

That said - I have no idea how much a Burroughs weighs.


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