[rescue] Packrat Purity Tes

Big Endian bigendian at mac.com
Tue Feb 12 14:23:08 CST 2002

>On Tuesday 12 February 2002 10:49 am, you wrote:
>>  On Tuesday 12 February 2002 05:50 am, you wrote:
>>  > On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 05:29:23AM -0500, Julius Sridhar wrote:
>>  > > 96%.  Too bad there aren't questions like, "Does your computer
>>  > > collection consume more power than the rest of the neightborhood?"
>>  >
>>  > see, you and dave both have me on single computer that weighs more than
>>  > your car.  my Xterra is HEAVY, so it's a tough scale. :)
>>  Allright, what was the URL for this again...?
>Nevermind, I found it.
>86 %
>Some of those questions were unfail, I mean...  Who has a computer in their

Umm... I've known people who have a HARD LINE PHONE in the bathroom 
and have taken my call when she was use the toilet.  A computer seems 
reasonable by comparison.

>Or a single machine which weighs more than their car...

Sridhar, Dave, probably Brian...

"Fragile. Do not drop." -- Posted on a Boeing 757.

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