Extinct IBM OSs (was: Re: [rescue] Personal Progressions)

Julius Sridhar vance at ikickass.org
Sun Feb 10 08:05:32 CST 2002

On Sun, 10 Feb 2002 s at avoidant.org wrote:

> > Agreed. But you'll have to agree that Big Blue is a lot more tolerable when
> > it's been dwarfed by Billysoft.

Dwarfed?  I don't think so.

> Not a bit. I've made a living supporting extinct IBM OSs. I actually
> worked as a professsional OS/2 admin. I think there've been 27 of us in
> the history of modern computing. IBM certified AIX sysadmin, now working
> in an all-Linux shop ('cept for my Ultra10/Sol8).

Extinct?  I think not.

> > BTW, there were lots of OS/2 TV ads in 1994-5, when Warp 3 was released. But
> That's the one. Where was the Warp 4 campaign? Warp Server for
> e-Business? That OS rocked. I doubt it's running at any client sites
> anywhere at the moment.

Are you kidding?  It's *all over* the place in the financial industry.
My younger brother is an executive at HSBC, and he sees it everywhere,
*worldwide*.  No other PC operating system comes close to the level of
mainframe integration present in OS/2.

> > as soon as Win95 was released, IBM went very quiet.
> Yeperoo. They suck. No counter-campaign, no nothing. And selling the
> competing OS on their hardware? OS/2 didn't stand a chance.

OS/2 had a giant marketing blitz.  Just not to the average PC user.

Peace....  Sridhar

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