[rescue] desperately need a window manager

Guy Yasko gyasko at mx7.ttcn.ne.jp
Sat Feb 9 05:53:01 CST 2002

>>>>> "Iggy" == Iggy Drougge <optimus at canit.se> writes:

    Iggy> Big Endian skrev:
    >>> keyboard.  it's PC style, i don't like it.  any
    >>> recommendations on a good PS/2 keyboard that i may like?  what
    >>> i'd really like to do is get my Sun Type5c hooked up.  that
    >>> would own.

    >> IBM clicky key ones.  They rock.

    Iggy> The problem with PS/2 keyboards is that they've got Control
    Iggy> in the wrong place, and Alt is transposed, and the modern
    Iggy> ones have a lot of Windows keyboards which only cause
    Iggy> distress when using Windows.  Are there no PS/2 or AT
    Iggy> keyboards with the keys in the right places?

i have one that you can use on suns, macs, and pcs.  it's kind of tiny
and probably only available in japan.  there's a fair amount of kbs
with the keys in the right place around here.  

what about redoing the keymap?  have to admit i haven't tried this on
my sgi machines.



Guy Yasko -- gyasko at mx7.ttcn.ne.jp

MY income is ALL disposable!

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