[rescue] Death of a PDP-11/Clueless office people...

bill pointon wpointon at earthlink.net
Sun Feb 3 18:32:50 CST 2002

On Sunday, February 3, 2002, at 07:02 , Dave McGuire wrote:

>   Cheap-ass fabric or cheap ass-fabric?
>   I've had good luck with some spray stuff that you mix with water and
> put in a spray bottle.  I don't recall the brand name.
>    -Dave

dave - you should never use that crappy home mixed ass fabric - even 
though its cheap -- the premixed is really easy to use and gives much 
better coverage -- one good brand to try is " can-o-levis " --- its the 
best thing ive tried in spray on clothing -- even comes with the extra 
nozzle for doing pockets  --- and it doesnt even run in the rain -- billp

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