[rescue] Death of a PDP-11/Clueless office people...

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Sun Feb 3 14:51:55 CST 2002

> It was from my wife's place of business, (she feels really bad that she
> didn't know it was worth anything to anyone), and the
> windows/networking woman there said "It's a piece of junk!  Just throw
> it out!" so they cut it up and tossed it.

Further proof that Windows-only networkers truly have no idea what *actual*
computers are.  I had a guy try to convince me about 2 weeks ago that an
Athlon with a TI500 card was a way better choice for graphivs work than an

I also had a guy on the SNENUG (Souther NE Network Users Group) listserv say
that MS DNS on Win2k is "one of the better DNS implementations out there".
Needless to say, I tore him a new one.

On the same list, a guy who runs a consulting company had *no idea* how to
run a DNS and register a host with Network Solutions.  The same guy was
flabbergasted that Network Solutions didn't handle MX records with their DNS

Fucking morons....

> didn't buy a maintenance contract on the Canon printing beast, and
> yet...they spent $700/chair for 6 Aerons for the conference room.

Aerons hurt my back and neck...


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