[rescue] Solaris 8 Differences

Thomas Steffen my_list_account at iname.com
Fri Feb 1 04:25:53 CST 2002

Brian Hechinger <wonko at arkham.ws> writes:

> and completely kick ass little machines.

Yes, I know. But I don't use my LX for X11, it is just not worth it

> i've run X on NetBSD on sparc without a single bit of flakyness.

Well, the Xserver from Debian 2.2 was not XFree86 (so no extensions)
and it did not support acceleration (so it was slow). Solaris 2.6 uses
a rather outdated X11 release, but it is quite a bit faster. 

> uhm, you do realize your target audience here right?  we'd *ALL* rather own
> slow than PC.  :)

Well, I rather have something that works nicely. A Sparc does for some
things, a PC might do for others :-) BTW: they play together ever so

>> OpenBSD and Linux should be fine for console use. Solaris sucks,
>> because it has no frame buffer support and no virtual terminals.
> what do you mean it has no frame buffer support?  

I mean that is uses the OpenBoot console. Which is painfully slow on
an LX, a bit like using a 9600 terminal. It is just completely
orthogonal to the blindingly (in comparison) fast and efficient
framebuffer consoles you get with linux.

> and yes it does have virtual terminals, it's call screen.

I would rather have real virtual terminals :-) I tried screen on my
Sparc, but since the screen redraw took about 2 seconds, it wasn't
much fun imho.

		    Thomas <thomas.steffen at ruhr-uni-bochum.de>
Umweltfreundlich, da aus recycleten Buchstaben.

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