[rescue] how to put a value on a monster ...?

max trefonides maxadam at uchicago.edu
Thu Aug 15 02:05:12 CDT 2002

Thanks, this is exactly the kind of response I was looking for.  It 
looks like I will get more by parting it out.  Mostly because the CPU 
boards can run in deskside machines that are still in operation ...

looks like I'm going to have a cool looking fridge =)

On Wednesday, August 14, 2002, at 09:13  PM, Dan Sikorski wrote:

> On Tue, 2002-08-13 at 01:25, max trefonides wrote:
>> I figured that some of you would have a better idea of what the market
>> might be like for this kind of stuff. so far I have gotten one really
>> constructive post.
> Well, here's my attempt at a constructive post...
> That machine is worth nowhere near $10k in the open market.  Consider
> your potential market when you narrow it down to individuals who know
> what it is and can spend $10k on a computer.  I don't think a business
> will likely buy it from you.  I think that about $2000 is the most you'd
> likely get out of it.  But then again, i get all of my old hardware
> cheap.
> 	-Dan Sikorski
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