[rescue] Hypersparc/SS20 Q

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Sat Aug 10 16:01:53 CDT 2002

On Sat, 10 Aug 2002, Larry Snyder wrote:

> I'm trying to get a friend's dead SS20 back on its feet.  It had an
> HP 18.2G disk in it.  probe-scsi flew past.  I swapped in a Sun-
> badged Seagate 2.1 and that got happier.  It has a pair of Ross
> RT626 processors in it.  Any info on these?

Sounds like the hard drive died of heat death.  At 18.2GB, there's a good
chance that disc runs at about 7200rpm, and each of those Ross HyperSPARC
CPUs puts out a -lot- of heat.

Ross called a lot of different CPUs RT626.  To get information on exactly
which ones you, have type "module-info" at the openboot prompt.  see the
following URLs for more info:


Jonathan Patschke
   > Can you SysAdmins tell me what might go on in a typical day?
   Hours of endless frustration punctuated by moments of sheer terror.
                                 --Saul Tannenbaum (in the Monastery)

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