[rescue] laser fiber drivers (was U30--thanks)

Jeremy R J Towers jeremytowers at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Aug 10 04:25:53 CDT 2002

 My Sony digital camera can see the output of remote controls.
  "Tim H." <lists at pellucidar.net> wrote: On Tue, 6 Aug 2002 21:58:17 -0400 (EDT)
Larry Snyder wrote:

> Use a 'TV-remote' test card to see where/if the IR is coming out of
> the fiber. 

Of course, when I was actually working with IR fiber stuff I couldn't
find one of those cards anywhere, and I looked through my whole
catalogue collection. I even got in arguments with coworkers about
whether or not they really existed. Where do I find one?

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