[rescue] FDDI in the real world babble

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Wed Aug 7 10:43:43 CDT 2002

Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> So, quick question then.  I have a cresendo card that is SAS.  I have
> a Lanplex 2500 that is DAS (I also have a concentrator that is SAS,
> but I'm hoping to ignore it for the first step).  What do I need to do
> to hook the two together?  Just buy a SAS cable, and find a software
> setting on the lanplex?  Find an adapter cable?  What?

You can connect the Lanplex a SAS device by just using the first of the
2 connectors. That's how I had mine setup originally. It was only after
I got a bunch of short cables (more than I needed) that I decided to
connect the lanplex to the concentrator via DAS.

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