[rescue] FedEx Ground

William Enestvedt Will.Enestvedt at jwu.edu
Wed Aug 7 07:57:48 CDT 2002

Joyote wrote:
> I hate the waiting in line, yes. But I don't think I somehow 
> deserve to send a letter for a quarter. 
   I agree -- but I wouldn't mind paying a _small_ difference in postage for
slightly better service. That is, when I lived in England -- whooops, I'm
aging -- ten years ago, there were two classes of mail, one a few pence more
expensive than the other, but the better service got there sooner. I know
that USPS has different classes of mail, too, but the British class
differences were a little less drastic.
Eric Dittman wrote:
> This (FedEx Ground) is the first carrier I've had that 
> didn't properly attempt to deliver packages or letters 
> that required a signature.
   Two days ago Airborne Express just dropped off a package on my front lawn
that contained the registration paperwork for for my (pre-paid!) Apple
Warranty extension. So I would have been out $150 (and the cost of _paying
for_ my iMac's crummy video board) if someone hadn't pointed out the package
to us.
   From now on, I'm going to hire college students to drive my small freight
cross-country in rental cars...
Will Enestvedt
UNIX System Administrator
Johnson & Wales University -- Providence, RI

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