[rescue] U30--thanks

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Wed Aug 7 03:24:15 CDT 2002

Katherine Strojny wrote:
> When I look at my other systems (not good FDDI candidates, I think) and my
> ISP connection for the next few months (POTS), the only reason I could see
> for doing FDDI on the U30 would be for the fun of it.

Well, first question, what are the other systems? (the ones you think
aren't good FDDI candidates?) Assuming that they're machines that FDDI
is available for, do you do much communication between your machines?
(do you use NFS mounts, etc.) Or are you mostly networking them so they
all have access to the internet? If you're basically just sharing an
internet connection, then yet, FDDI wouldn't make much sense, but if
you're doing more comm between them, then FDDI can speed up things quite
a bit. It seems that FDDI has become one of those technologies that
while technically superior, it's becoming a technology that's being
passed by in favor of newer higher speed stuff (1000bt as an example).
This can be a good thing, as all the really expensive FDDI stuff is
showing up on the used market really cheap.

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