[rescue] Re: Re: OH YEA??? [was: Re: Ultra?]

Leslie Connally lesliec at theplanet.com
Sun Aug 4 14:26:57 CDT 2002

> SS10 to U5

I've not been following this to closely except the general SCSI v IDE
discussion, and  I wasnt sure how this could really be a comparison.. not
only financially.. $10 vs.. what $200?  but also 40 vs 270MHZ * til Dave
once again comes thru with well reasoned insight concerning the ss10 !:

>  1) live to be a ripe old age
>  2) support a heavy monitor without going "squish"
>  3) handle lots of I/O across multiple drives without grinding to a halt
>  4) be picked up on eBay for $20 to allow for the purchase of better
>     peripherals or even beer
>  (of course #3 can be mitigated by installing a SCSI host adapter in
>the U5)

And dont forget the SS10s built-in ISDN (withoptionalsoftwarenotincluded) !


* hey, I _do_ know how poorly 40 Mhz renders bad html

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