[rescue] Must have peripherals [was Re: worth it for the disks?]

Chad Fernandez fernande at internet1.net
Fri Aug 2 09:18:52 CDT 2002

Katherine Strojny wrote:
> Tim H. wrote:
>>Well, I have been keeping my eye out for one of those gateway
>>programmable keyboards with all the extra arrow keys for a few years,
>>almost had one on ebay, but forgot about it until 2 minutes too late.
> AnyKey kbds?  A friend was bugging me to trade mine, and I looked on eBay
> and there were a shload of them for like $5 and up (so he got his own).
> Last fall IIRC.  Looking just now, there are still a bunch.
> -k

I think he is talking about the keyboards with diagonal arrow keys.  I 
had one for a little while, but sold it on Ebay.  I don't think I even 
used it after I cleaned it all up...... doesn't compare to an IBM Model 
M :-)

Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA

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