[rescue] Scanning lots of paper

Geoffrey S. Mendelson gsm at bfr.co.il
Thu Aug 1 04:36:15 CDT 2002

When I lived in the "real world"(TM), I ran a scanning center for a
Pharmaceutical company. We had six scanners, and running them 2 shifts
a day 5 days a week, did about 1.5 million pages a year.

We were able to get 14 pages a minute per scanner, including loading,
sorting, recording, etc.

We then combined them with data files, printed them to images, and printed
the images with a farm of HP IIISi printers running 24/7. 90% of the
software was designed and written by me.

The images and paper were submitted to the FDA. The last job I did was
to produce a "small document", 60,000 pages, but they let us submit only
9,000 on paper and the rest as images.
I pity the poor guys who had to read it.* :-)


* Canada's Health protection Bureau was worse, not only did they want
 paper and images, but they had clerks compare each image to it's corresponding
 piece of paper.

Geoffrey S. Mendelson
Bloomberg L.P., BFM (Israel) 2 hours ahead of London, 7 hours ahead of New York.
Tel:  972-(0)3-754-1158 Fax 972-(0)3-754-1236 Email: gmendelson at bloomberg.com 

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