[rescue] rant.

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Tue Apr 30 00:42:36 CDT 2002

On Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 12:37:28AM -0500, Bill Bradford wrote:
> Every time I think I'm about to acquire a *proper* computer, one with
> front-panel switches and lots of lights, I get foiled.  BAH.  
> DG MV/2000 would be nice, but I dont have room for it if its as big as
> I think its gonna be. 8-(
> Now, if I could just find another PDP-8/e...

I still say that once the FC-AL stuff is completed, that we try and get 
DaveM et al, to build you a new PDP-8.  One that can use SCSI or IDE instead
of the old disks, etc.  And most importantly, ethernet, and the leads needed
to attach a PDP-8 front panel to it.  We know that people are building new
ones for fun, so just a little tweaking is needed.

Joshua D. Boyd

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