[rescue] Wow

nick at snowman.net nick at snowman.net
Tue Apr 30 00:03:49 CDT 2002

Because then you get stuck in pissing matches with companies, and usually

On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, George Adkins wrote:

> > Done that, but 7s using Mozilla on an Irix machine is pretty damn
> > close.  When using the windows machine and Winning Bid Pro, I just set
> > to 1s and forgot about it - always won, as long as I put in a high
> > enough amount.
> Heh, I use any old browser I want to, and as long as I put in a high enough 
> amount, I win.  No stress, no worries, and I bid LONG before the auction 
> ends...
> I never understood it personally, but I guess some people just don't feel 
> like they have a life unless they can squeeze some drama out of every last 
> event, including on-line auctions.
> Why don't you just BID for God's sake.
> George
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